CS:GO Jump Throw Bind Tutorial
"Jump throw" command in CS:GO is a simple yet effective command that is frequently used by experienced players and must be learned and applied by players who want to improve their gameplay. By following the simple steps below, you will be able to easily execute a "jump throw":
- Open the command console in-game by using the "~" button.
- Use the "bind" command to bind the "jump" and "throw" commands to a key of your choice. For example, you can bind the "jump" and "throw" commands to the fifth mouse button using the command:
Jump Throw Code:
alias +jumpthrow +jump;-attack
alias -jumpthrow -jump
bind "n" +jumpthrow
Alternative Jump Throw Code:
bind "n" "+jump; -attack; -jump"
By following this method, you will be able to easily execute a "jump throw" and observe a significant improvement in your gameplay performance.
How to add the "Jump Throw" code to the Config file in CS:GO:
- Go to CS:GO in Steam and right-click on the game and select "Properties".
- In the Properties window, click on the "Local Files" tab, then click on the "Browse Local Files" button.
- Navigate to the folders "csgo" > "cfg" > "config" (If there is no config file, open the file named "config_default").
- Right-click on the "config" file and open it with "Notepad".
- Paste the following code at the bottom of the file:
alias +jumpthrow +jump;-attack alias -jumpthrow -jump bind "m" +jumpthrow
This code binds the "jump" and "throw" commands to the fifth mouse button, allowing you to jump and throw the bomb by pressing the fifth mouse button. With this method, you will be able to throw the bomb faster and at greater distances.